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Feeling hopeless about racial tensions and uncertain times?

Here are a few action steps to help and get you started.

When any person is not certain who they are or why they matter, they default to familiarity.

You must get comfortable with your own learning curve. This process matters and people need your help! Your willingness to learn and possibly be wrong about past perceptions is critical. Self awareness is the path to understanding and being understood. By understanding yourself better, you can critically think about new concepts with empathy and clarity. Push through the discomfort privately if that works for you just take action! Any “Eye of the Storm” series videos on youtube from Jane Elliott’s movement will give you great perspective.

FIRST, I suggest you watch “A Class Divided with Jane Elliott (full film) | FRONTLINE

We must start asking deeper questions and pay attention to what comes up for us.

  • Do you want to understand racism? Why?
  • Are you willing to consider that something you don’t understand could be actively harming someone else? Why does this matter?
  • Is feeling disempowered as problematic as feeling superior? Flip places. What do you notice?
  • List your understanding of this concept called “white privilege:”
  • List 5 feelings that come the previous question
  • Would you want to be treated how any minority is treated today in America?
    (Why or why not)

Listening, acknowledging and then BELIEVING the experience of others is imperative. This has to start with you. It is normal to feel bad but stopping there, in your guilt or shamethat feels hopeless, is the definition of white fragility. It is a privilege to feel bad then go about your life. Change requires a back bone.